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Cert Authority Rotation


  • A running Teleport cluster version 16.0.1 or above. If you want to get started with Teleport, sign up for a free trial or set up a demo environment.

  • The tctl admin tool and tsh client tool.

    Visit Installation for instructions on downloading tctl and tsh.

  • To check that you can connect to your Teleport cluster, sign in with tsh login, then verify that you can run tctl commands using your current credentials. tctl is supported on macOS and Linux machines. For example:
    tsh login --proxy=teleport.example.com --user=email@example.com
    tctl status

    Cluster teleport.example.com

    Version 16.0.1

    CA pin sha256:abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678

    If you can connect to the cluster and run the tctl status command, you can use your current credentials to run subsequent tctl commands from your workstation. If you host your own Teleport cluster, you can also run tctl commands on the computer that hosts the Teleport Auth Service for full permissions.

Certificate authority rotation

This section will show you how to rotate Teleport's certificate authority.

If you are joining Teleport processes to a cluster via the Teleport Auth Service using a join token, each Teleport process will need a CA pin to trust the Auth Service. The CA pin will change after each host CA rotation. Make sure you use the new CA pin when adding Teleport services after host CA rotation.

Exported CAs

Teleport signs Windows Desktop client certificates with the user certificate authority. If the user CA is rotated, the new CA certificate must be exported and configured in group policy.

Teleport signs self-hosted database host certificates with the db certificate authority and signs database client certificates with the db_client CA. If either of these CAs is rotated, then self-hosted databases must be reconfigured. Refer to the Database CA Rotation Guide.

Rotation phases

The rotation consists of several phases:

  • standby: All operations have completed or haven't started yet.
  • init: All components are notified of the rotation. A new certificate authority is issued, but not used. It is necessary for remote trusted clusters to fetch the new certificate authority, otherwise new clients will reject it.
  • update_clients: Internal clients certs are updated and reloaded. Servers will use and respond with old credentials because clients have no idea about new certificates at first.
  • update_servers: Servers reload and start serving TLS and SSH certificates signed by the new certificate authority, but will still accept certificates issued by the old certificate authority.
  • rollback: The rotation was aborted and is rolling back to the old certificate authority.

Rotation types

There are two kinds of certificate rotations:

  • Manual: it is the cluster administrator's responsibility to transition between each phase of the rotation while monitoring the state of the cluster. Manual rotations provide the greatest level of control, and are performed by providing the desired phase using the --phase flag with the tctl auth rotate command.
  • Semi-automatic: Teleport automatically transitions between phases of the rotation after some amount of time (known as a grace period) elapses.

For both types of rotation, the cluster goes through the phases in the following order:

  • standby -> init -> update_clients -> update_servers -> standby

Administrators can abort the rotation and revert all changes any time before the rotation is completed by entering the rollback phase.

tctl auth rotate --manual --type=type --phase=rollback

For example, if an admin has detected that some nodes failed to upgrade during update_servers, they can roll back to the previous certificate authority, and the phase transitions look like this:

  • update_servers -> rollback -> standby.

Try rotation/rollback in manual mode first to understand all the edge-cases and gotchas before going with semi-automatic version.

To specify which certificate authority to rotate, you must provide a value via the --type flag. If no value is provided, tctl will display an error and exit.

Manual rotation

In manual mode, we manually transition between phases while monitoring the state of the cluster.

Start the rotation

Initiate the manual rotation of host certificate authorities:

tctl auth rotate --manual --type=type --phase=init
Updated rotation phase to "init". To check status use 'tctl status'

Use tctl to confirm that there is an active rotation in progress:

tctl status

Cluster acme.cluster

Version 16.0.1

Host CA initialized (mode: manual, started: Sep 20 01:44:36 UTC, ending: Sep 21 2023 07:44:36 UTC)

User CA rotated Sep 20 2023 01:42:54 UTC

Jwt CA rotated Sep 20 2023 01:42:54 UTC

CA pin sha256:hash

Check the status of connected nodes:

Check rotation status of the nodes

tctl get nodes --format=json | jq '.[] | {hostname: .spec.hostname, rotation: .spec.rotation.state, phase: .spec.rotation.phase}'
{ "hostname": "terminal", "rotation": "in_progress", "phase": "init"}

In this example, the node named terminal has updated its status to phase init. This means it has downloaded a new CA public key and is ready for state transitions.

Rotation warning

If some nodes are offline during rotation or have failed to update the status, you will lose connectivity after the transition update_servers -> standby. Make sure that all nodes are up to date with the transitions before proceeding.

Update clients

Execute the transition from init to update_clients:

tctl auth rotate --manual --type=type --phase=update_clients

Updated rotation phase to "update_clients". To check status use 'tctl status'

tctl status

Cluster acme.cluster

Version 16.0.1

Host CA rotating clients (mode: manual, started: Sep 20 2023 01:44:36 UTC, ending: Sep 21 2023 07:44:36 UTC)


Clients will temporarily lose connectivity during Proxy and Auth Server restarts.

Verify that nodes have caught up and now see the current cluster state:

tctl get nodes --format=json | jq '.[] | {hostname: .spec.hostname, rotation: .spec.rotation.state, phase: .spec.rotation.phase}'
{ "hostname": "terminal", "rotation": "in_progress", "phase": "update_clients"}

Update servers

Now that all nodes have caught up, execute the transition from update_clients to update_servers:

tctl auth rotate --manual --type=type --phase=update_servers

Updated rotation phase to "update_servers". To check status use 'tctl status'

tctl status

Cluster acme.cluster

Version 16.0.1

Host CA rotating servers (mode: manual, started: Sep 20 2023 01:44:36 UTC, ending: Sep 21 2023 07:44:36 UTC)


Usually if things go wrong, they go wrong at this transition. If you have lost connectivity to nodes, roll back to the old certificate authority.

Verify that nodes have caught up:

tctl get nodes --format=json | jq '.[] | {hostname: .spec.hostname, rotation: .spec.rotation.state, phase: .spec.rotation.phase}'
{ "hostname": "terminal", "rotation": "in_progress", "phase": "update_servers"}

Finish the rotation

Before wrapping up, verify that you have not lost any nodes and can connect to them, for example:

tsh ssh hello@terminal

This is the last stage where you have the opportunity to roll back. If you have lost connectivity to nodes, roll back to the old certificate authority.

tctl auth rotate --manual --type=type --phase=standby

Verify that the rotation has completed with tctl:

tctl status
Cluster acme.clusterVersion 16.0.1Host CA rotated Sep 20 2023 02:11:25 UTCUser CA rotated Sep 20 2023 01:42:54 UTCJwt CA rotated Sep 20 2023 01:42:54 UTCCA pin sha256:hash

Nodes should catch up and be on standby:

tctl get nodes --format=json | jq '.[] | {hostname: .spec.hostname, rotation: .spec.rotation.state, phase: .spec.rotation.phase}'
{ "hostname": "terminal", "rotation": "standby", "phase": "standby"}

Semi-Automatic rotation


Semi-automatic rotation executes the same steps as the manual rotation, but with a grace period between them. It currently does not track the states of the nodes and you can lose connectivity if things go wrong.

You can trigger semi-automatic rotation by omitting the --manual and --phase flags.

tctl auth rotate --type=host

This will trigger a rotation process for hosts with a default grace period of 48 hours. During the grace period, certificates issued both by old and new certificate authority work.

You can customize grace period and CA type with additional flags:

Rotate only user certificates with a grace period of 200 hours:

tctl auth rotate --type=user --grace-period=200h

Rotate only host certificates with a grace period of 8 hours:

tctl auth rotate --type=host --grace-period=8h

The rotation takes time, especially for hosts, because each node in a cluster needs to be notified that a rotation is taking place and request a new certificate for itself before the grace period ends.

During semi-automatic rotations, Teleport will attempt to divide the grace period so that it spends an equal amount of time in each phase before transitioning to the next phase. This means that using a shorter grace period will result in faster state transitions.

Be careful when choosing a grace period when rotating host certificates.

The grace period needs to be long enough for all nodes in a cluster to request a new certificate. If some nodes go offline during the rotation and come back only after the grace period has ended, they will be forced to leave the cluster, i.e. users will no longer be allowed to SSH into them.

Check the cluster status:

tctl status
Cluster acme.clusterVersion 16.0.1Host CA initialized (mode: manual, started: Sep 20 2023 01:44:36 UTC, ending: Sep 21 2023 07:44:36 UTC)

Check the status of individual nodes:

Check rotation status of the nodes

tctl get nodes --format=json | jq '.[] | {hostname: .spec.hostname, rotation: .spec.rotation.state, phase: .spec.rotation.phase}'
{ "hostname": "terminal", "rotation": "in_progress", "phase": "init"}

The node named terminal has updated its status to phase init. This means it has downloaded a new CA public key and is ready for state transitions.


Rollback must be performed before the rotation enters standby state.

First, enter the rollback phase with a manual phase transition:

tctl auth rotate --phase=rollback --type=type --manual

Updated rotation phase to "rollback". To check status use 'tctl status'

Make sure that any nodes which have already updated have caught up and entered the rollback phase.

Check rotation status of the nodes

tctl get nodes --format=json | jq '.[] | {hostname: .spec.hostname, rotation: .spec.rotation.state, phase: .spec.rotation.phase}'
{ "hostname": "terminal", "rotation": "in_progress", "phase": "rollback"}

If connectivity to any of the nodes was lost during the rotation, this is likely because they were still using the old cert authority. Connectivity to these nodes should be restored when the rollback completes and the old certificate authority is made active.

Further reading

How the Teleport Certificate Authority works.