Hardening Infrastructure Security Against SSO Identity Provider Compromise
Jul 11
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Hardware Key Support



Hardware Key Support requires Teleport Enterprise.

By default, tsh, Teleport Connect, and other Teleport clients store a user's key and certificates directly on their filesystem. If a user's filesystem is compromised, any of their active Teleport user keys and certificates would also be compromised.

You can configure per-session MFA to require a multi-factor authentication check when users start new sessions with Teleport services, such as the SSH Service, Kubernetes Service, Database Service, and so on. However, per-session MFA doesn't prevent compromised session credentials from taking other actions, such as running administrative commands with tctl.

To prevent these types of attacks, Teleport supports hardware-based private keys. Unlike disk-based private keys, hardware-based private keys are generated and stored directly on a hardware device and are impossible to export. With hardware-based private keys, a login session is only functional if there's also access to the hardware device where the key was generated and stored.

Additionally, you can configure this feature to require a touch for every Teleport request, including non-session requests like tctl edit. With touch required, hardware key support provides better security than per-session MFA.

touch caching

A user's touch is cached on the hardware security key for 15 seconds to prevent excessive touch prompts.


Hardware key support provides the best security available. However, not all services are compatible with hardware keys.


  • Teleport clients tsh, tctl, and Teleport Connect.
  • Standard Teleport API requests such as tsh ls, tctl create, and so on.
  • Server access.
  • Agentless OpenSSH server access.
  • Database access with tsh proxy db instead of tsh db connect.
  • Kubernetes access with tsh proxy kube instead of tsh kube login.
  • Web access (Teleport Web UI).
  • Application access.

Not supported:

  • Desktop access.
  • Legacy OpenSSH server access

If you require users to have a hardware key to access your infrastructure, they won't be able to use any of the unsupported features either because the hardware key can't be accessed or because the protocol only supports raw private keys.

To navigate these incompatibilities, we recommend that you enable hardware key support only when necessary, such as for roles with access to critical infrastructure. These roles can be accessed as needed with Access Requests so that users can avoid these issues for their normal login sessions.

Note: Web and app sessions are not backed by a hardware key directly, but they are strictly guarded by the Auth Service and Proxy Service. Therefore, web and app sessions are given permission to bypass hardware key support and fall back to MFA prompts when user presence or verification is needed, like for per-session MFA.


  • A running Teleport cluster. If you want to get started with Teleport, sign up for a free trial.

  • The tctl admin tool and tsh client tool version >= 16.0.1.

    Visit Installation for instructions on downloading tctl and tsh.

  • A series 5+ YubiKey
PIV support

Hardware key support requires users to use a PIV-compatible hardware key. Currently, this feature is only guaranteed to support YubiKey series 5+.

  • Install a smart card driver for you operating system. Teleport clients will connect to your YubiKey through the smart card driver to generate keys and perform cryptographic operations.
  • To check that you can connect to your Teleport cluster, sign in with tsh login, then verify that you can run tctl commands using your current credentials. tctl is supported on macOS and Linux machines. For example:
    tsh login --proxy=teleport.example.com --user=email@example.com
    tctl status

    Cluster teleport.example.com

    Version 16.0.1

    CA pin sha256:abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678

    If you can connect to the cluster and run the tctl status command, you can use your current credentials to run subsequent tctl commands from your workstation. If you host your own Teleport cluster, you can also run tctl commands on the computer that hosts the Teleport Auth Service for full permissions.

Step 1/2. Enforce hardware key support

Hardware key support is not required by default.

There are three primary options for hardware key support:

  • hardware_key: User keys are stored on their hardware key without touch/PIN protection. A separate MFA check is used for sessions and other MFA-reliant features, like moderated sessions.
  • hardware_key_touch: User keys are stored on their hardware key with touch protection. On each request, users must touch their hardware key.
  • hardware_key_touch_and_pin: User keys will be stored on their hardware key with touch and PIN protection. On each request, users must touch their hardware key and enter their PIV pin.
    • Users who have not set a PIV code are prompted to set it during login.

You can enforce hardware key support for specific roles, as shown here:

kind: role
  name: admin
    require_session_mfa: hardware_key_touch

You can also enforce hardware key support cluster-wide by updating your Teleport configuration:

tctl edit cap

Set the value of spec.require_session_mfa to hardware_key_touch:

kind: cluster_auth_preference
  name: cluster-auth-preference
  require_session_mfa: hardware_key_touch
version: v2

After you save and exit the editor, tctl updates the resource:

cluster auth preference has been updated

Step 2/2. Log in

After you configure a role or cluster to require a hardware key, all users signing in with that role or to that cluster must use their hardware key for all Teleport requests.

Affected users will be prompted to connect and touch their YubiKey to sign in. The first time users sign in with their hardware key they might be required to immediately sign in again.

tsh login --user=dev --proxy=proxy.example.com:3080

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Unmet private key policy "hardware_key_touch".

Relogging in with hardware-backed private key.

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Tap your YubiKey

> Profile URL: https://example.com

Logged in as: dev

Cluster: example.com


tsh login --user=dev --proxy=proxy.example.com:3080

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Unmet private key policy "hardware_key_touch".

Relogging in with hardware-backed private key.

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Tap your YubiKey

> Profile URL: https://example.com

Logged in as: dev

Cluster: example.com


tsh login --user=dev --proxy=proxy.example.com:3080

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Unmet private key policy "hardware_key_touch".

Relogging in with hardware-backed private key.

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Tap your YubiKey

> Profile URL: https://example.com

Logged in as: dev

Cluster: example.com


Affected users with existing sessions that aren't backed by a hardware key are prompted to sign in again on their next request. For example:

tsh clusters

Unmet private key policy "hardware_key_touch"

Relogging in with hardware-backed private key.

Enter password for Teleport user dev:

Tap your YubiKey

Cluster Name Status Cluster Type Labels Selected

----------- ------ ------------ ------ --------

example.com online root *

Custom PIV setup

Custom PIV Slot

By default, Teleport clients use the following PIV slots for each option:

  • hardware_key: slot 9a
  • hardware_key_touch: slot 9c
  • hardware_key_touch_and_pin: slot 9d
  • hardware_key_pin: slot 9e

If you are using any other PIV applications, you might need to specify a different slot. For example, yubikey-agent uses slot 9a. To avoid overwriting the yubikey-agent key and certificate, a user with the hardware_key requirement would need to specify a different slot.

During login, users can specify a PIV slot using the --piv-slot command-line option or an environment variable. For example:

  • tsh login --piv-slot=9c
  • TELEPORT_PIV_SLOT=9c tsh login

The PIV slot can also be set cluster-wide with a configuration option:

kind: cluster_auth_preference
  name: cluster-auth-preference
  require_session_mfa: hardware_key
    piv_slot: 9c
version: v2

Custom Key

Teleport clients generate keys in the slots specified using the default management key.

If your PIV key uses a different management key, you must generate the key yourself. This can be done with the YubiKey Manager CLI:

ykman piv keys generate -a ECCP256 [slot] --touch-policy=[never|cached|always] --pin-policy=[never|once|always] -

After running this command, you're prompted to enter your management key to complete the request. Make sure that the touch and PIN policy satisfy the hardware key requirement for your cluster and roles.


ERROR: private key policy not met

This error is returned by the Auth and Proxy services if a user does not meet the required private key policy. Both tsh and Teleport Connect automatically catch these errors and require the user to sign in again with a valid hardware-based private key.

ERROR: authenticating with management key: auth challenge: smart card error 6982: security status not satisfied

Smart card auth challenge errors can appear when the wrong management key is used.

Teleport clients expect a fresh PIV key with the default management key. You can reset this key, along with any existing PIV keys and certificates, with the YubiKey Manager CLI ykman piv reset.

If you want to use a different management key, follow the custom PIV setup instructions.

ERROR: ssh: handshake failed: command failed: transmitting request: an attempt was made to end a non-existent transaction

Sometimes, PIV interactions with your Yubikey can fail in unexpected ways.

For example, if you tap your Yubikey for MFA and then subsequently tap your Yubikey for Hardware Key support, you might get an error on rare occasions.

Why am I being asked to tap several times to login?

Depending on your settings, you might be asked to tap your Yubikey many times. Each tap is necessary to safely authenticate you.

For example, if you have second_factor: webauthn set in your cluster_auth_preference, and require_session_mfa: hardware_key_touch set on your role, you'll see the following output when you first sign in:

tsh login --user=dev --proxy=root.example.com:3080

First login as usual, as the unauthenticated client has no way of inferring

that "hardware_key_touch" is required by the user's role.

Enter password for Teleport user dev:Tap any security keyDetected security key tap

Login results in a "hardware_key_touch" error.

Unmet private key policy "hardware_key_touch".

At this point, `tsh` can infer from the error that the user's role requires

"hardware_key_touch", so it generates a private key directly on the hardware key

with a tap and re-initiates the sign in process.

Relogging in with hardware-backed private key.

This time, `tsh` uses the Yubikey-backed private key in the login request to

get certificates which pass the private key policy for the user's role.

Enter password for Teleport user dev:Tap any security keyDetected security key tapTap your YubiKey> Profile URL: https://root.example.com:3080 Logged in as: dev Cluster: root.example.com ...